merely the hiccups

I scuffed my Sunday shoes running through that riverbed and burned our buttermilk pancakes spent more time chasing wolves than in my own garden stalking walking in my big brown boots I feel so self conscious wearing because I found them at a yard sale for $2 I talked to that European man for 36 […]

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live blog!

this has honestly been the hardest post for me. I filmed myself reading this poem at least 20 times and didn’t like/approve any of them. BUT! thats not the point of this post. So here is the very first one I recorded with all of its flaws.

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almond milk & guitar picks

we probably admired the same sunflowers, and played in the same river as children luck, serendipity, and karma, all words I associate with you laying in shavassen the first day I met you, i longed for your welcome strong hands caress gently, create pinching still doesn’t remind me that my hands have a home spending […]

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im still a prism

fill me in orange because it still takes me 15 minutes to be able to jump off the high-dive paint me white for all the times I see god in my dad and yellow because I skip and put dandelions in my hair color me blue for all the times I cried buckets over biology […]

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why i’m useful

I make a pretty damn good omelet I release carbon dioxide I drive my sister to school every morning every time my dog jumps really high I reward him with a treat “I am not a waste of space” I good at guessing classic rock songs I listen I am always sparkly im the one that […]

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but i love you

  I fear one day the abundance of diffident words will leave us on opposite sides of the globe but we’ll both admire the moon the same way and like our coffee black with raw cane sugar almond milk and honey and guitar picks are things I always want to be fond of but i fear one […]

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